The Reporting and Data Visualization Platform for CFOs

The time of financial departments is precious. With our Data Visualization tool, reduce low-value tasks and focus on analysis and advice.

Finthesis platform

Automate the Monitoring of Your Summary Statements

Our Business Intelligence tool allows you to create and monitor your financial summary statements in 3 simple steps :

Data collection

Data Collection

Data is collected either by importing your FEC (for as many fiscal years as you want), your general ledger (if you are doing analytical accounting, for example), or directly via API if your accounting production tool is one of Finthesis's partners.

Data structuring

Data Structuring

This step is automatic and requires no action on your part. Our BI tool automatically recognizes fiscal years and data once the import is confirmed by you.

Customization and reporting

Customization and Reporting

Once the data is imported, Finthesis provides you with financial analyses and graphs in just a few seconds. These analyses have been selected according to the common practices of financial departments but can be customized if needed.

Customize Your Financial Analyses

You can add, remove, or modify analyses using simple and intuitive features :

  • Modify existing graph parameters
  • Update the categorization of your financial statements and the presentation of your reports
  • Add visuals according to the information you want to highlight
customize your financial analyses

Improve the Production of Your Financial Communications

One of the main missions of a CFO is to monitor and manage the financial information of a company. To do this, it seems inevitable today to have a management tool.

This is where our platform comes in. It is designed to help you achieve your goals, particularly in the production of your reports and financial communications.

In record time, Finthesis will allow you to :

financial information

Quickly Produce the Desired Financial Information in the Right Format

Reduce error risk

Reduce the Risk of Errors Related to Information Processing and File Handling

Optimize the process

Optimize the Information Search Process

Simplify Your Information Processing Tasks

Finthesis, a tool designed for part-time CFOs, external CFOs, or company CFOs, helps you save time in producing your financial reports. Let's see how this Business Intelligence platform can make you more efficient daily.

Automate your reporting

Automate Your Reporting

With the 'Automatic Reporting' feature available on our Business Intelligence platform, create high-value reports for your clients in a few clicks and give them access to the data in just a few clicks.

Operating forecasts

Prepare Your Operating and Cash Flow Forecasts and Create Comparisons

Quickly create budget forecasts or actuals based on historical information. Then turn your operating forecasts into cash flow forecasts.

Monitor the evolution of results compared to the previous fiscal year and the budgets you have established.

Be More Efficient in Your Daily Tasks with Finthesis

Information processing tasks can take a considerable amount of time for financial departments. This time for collecting and structuring information should be allocated to higher value-added tasks.

Be more efficient in your daily tasks with Finthesis :

Aggregate data

Aggregate Data from Your Group of Companies

Finthesis allows you to aggregate data from multiple companies to create consolidated reports for your group of companies.

Create consolidated reports in just a few seconds and save entire production days !

Analytical accounting

Monitor Your Analytical Accounting

If you have implemented analytical accounting for some of your clients, Finthesis allows you to visualize and monitor your different analytical categories.

This is one of the highly appreciated features by financial departments using our platform.

Automatically Generate Dynamic Financial Statements

You can also easily visualize the following elements :

A comprehensive range that will allow you to provide your clients with high-value-added reporting and support them in their strategic decisions based on reliable and structured elements.

Automatically generate dynamic financial statements

The Advantages of Our Software for CFOs



The tasks of collecting financial information in a company and structuring analyses are often extremely time-consuming and low value-added.

Finthesis allows you to automate this phase of data retrieval and structuring so that your time is more dedicated to analysis and management.

Error reduction

Error Reduction

Manually preparing financial reports is often a source of errors due to human handling of the data.

These error risks are significantly reduced by using a Business Intelligence platform like ours, designed specifically for CFOs.

By collecting data via API on Finthesis and structuring it through our simple and intuitive features, significantly increase the reliability of your financial analyses.

Constant evolution

Constant Evolution

We communicate monthly on our product roadmap with the developments we plan to achieve.

Our tool is far from static, and feedback from our clients is regularly integrated into our roadmap to have a Data Visualization and Reporting tool that increasingly meets your business needs.

Frequently asked questions

What is Data Visualization Software for CFOs?

Data Visualization software for CFOs is a tool that will allow you to present your financial information in a synthetic and visual format.'
A selection of graphs and visuals is available on Finthesis to choose the right presentation format based on the data you want to present.

Can my clients autonomously monitor their KPIs in real time?

With Finthesis, you can give your clients access to the platform. Real-time monitoring requires :

  • Either an API connection between your accounting production tool (MyUnisoft, Cegid Quadra, Cegid Loop, Tiime, Pennylane, Fulll, Sage, or ACD) and our Business Intelligence tool
  • Or, if your tool is not connected to our platform, by periodically importing your FEC or general ledger

After updating your analyses (usually in a few seconds), you can give your clients access to the latest figures of their activity.

Can I monitor a comparison of actuals versus budget and my forecast?

In the 'Forecasts' section of the platform, you can set up budgets and forecasts simply and intuitively.

You can then set up automatic comparisons between your current year data, the previous fiscal year, and the budget.

This budget comparison feature is highly appreciated by our users and allows you to better support your clients on strategic aspects.

Is it possible to calculate custom indicators and/or add management data to my analyses (FTEs, volumes, etc.)?

Finthesis allows you to create custom indicator lines, enabling you to use your own management indicators.

Additionally, our platform allows you to add management data lines (non-accounting) to include them in your calculations and reports.

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Finthesis platform