Get Your Sector Comparison in Seconds

Easily compare your financial data with other companies or sector ratios using our dedicated module.

Finthesis platform

Search for Companies You Want to Compare With

With its connection to Pappers, Finthesis allows you to have direct access to the data of hundreds of thousands of companies to compare them.

With our Business Intelligence and Data Visualization tool, you will have the following possibilities :

Company search

Company Search

Choose the types of companies you want to compare yourself with using a filter system
Comparative view

Comparative View

Create a comparative view of the different financial aggregates between each company and on average compared to the selected sample
Analysis sharing

Analysis Sharing

Export high-value reports for your clients in seconds

Benefits of an Sector Comparison

Many business leaders want to compare themselves to companies in the same sector on the following financial indicators in particular :

  • Revenue
  • Gross margin
  • Personnel expenses
  • Working capital
  • Collection periods
comparatif sectoriel

Comparing these financial indicators between several companies offers you the following possibilities:

Assess the overall health of the company compared to its competitors


Highlight Potential Optimization Points


Reassure leaders or alert them to opportunities or threats concerning their activity

Secrets to a Successful Sector Comparison

To succeed in your sector comparisons, it is important to:


Quickly formalize analyses (time-saving)


Build synthetic and consistent indicators (relevant analyses)


Share analyses in a clear and understandable format (effective reporting)

An Sector Comparison Software That is Simple and Intuitive

With Finthesis, it only takes a few seconds to :

  • Find financial ratios by sector
  • Aggregate data into financial dashboards
  • Highlight figures with a wide range of suitable visuals
  • Obtain comparative analyses on each important financial aggregate
  • Save valuable time in preparing your financial reports involving sector comparisons

With our Business Intelligence software, focus on analysis and advice rather than low-value production tasks.

simple and intuitive

Frequently asked questions

What is an sector ratio?

An sector ratio is an indicator that establishes an average based on a sample of companies sharing common criteria, regarding specific financial aggregates (EBITDA, gross margin rate, working capital, DSO, debt ratio, etc.)

Knowing an sector ratio is important to effectively manage your business and take corrective actions if necessary.

What is the purpose of an sector comparison?

The goal of an sector comparison is to compare a company to other companies in the same sector. Companies in the same sector are generally identified by the same activity code (NAF or APE code).

On Finthesis, it goes further : you have the possibility to compare not only with companies in the same sector but also with companies having the same level of revenue, which will further refine your analyses and allow you to perform more relevant benchmarks.

Can I compare my projects with each other on Finthesis?

Several accounting firms choose to specialize in one or more specific activity areas. This choice allows the firm to have a very interesting mass of data to analyze, pushing the advice given to clients further in terms of comparison with the sector.

The ability to compare your projects with each other on Finthesis is part of our short-term roadmap.

Your Analyses in Seconds with Our Sector Comparison Software

30-day free trial.

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Finthesis platform