Easily compare your financial data with other companies or sector ratios using our dedicated module.
With its connection to Pappers, Finthesis allows you to have direct access to the data of hundreds of thousands of companies to compare them.
With our Business Intelligence and Data Visualization tool, you will have the following possibilities :
Many business leaders want to compare themselves to companies in the same sector on the following financial indicators in particular :
With Finthesis, it only takes a few seconds to :
With our Business Intelligence software, focus on analysis and advice rather than low-value production tasks.
An sector ratio is an indicator that establishes an average based on a sample of companies sharing common criteria, regarding specific financial aggregates (EBITDA, gross margin rate, working capital, DSO, debt ratio, etc.)
Knowing an sector ratio is important to effectively manage your business and take corrective actions if necessary.
The goal of an sector comparison is to compare a company to other companies in the same sector. Companies in the same sector are generally identified by the same activity code (NAF or APE code).
On Finthesis, it goes further : you have the possibility to compare not only with companies in the same sector but also with companies having the same level of revenue, which will further refine your analyses and allow you to perform more relevant benchmarks.
Several accounting firms choose to specialize in one or more specific activity areas. This choice allows the firm to have a very interesting mass of data to analyze, pushing the advice given to clients further in terms of comparison with the sector.
The ability to compare your projects with each other on Finthesis is part of our short-term roadmap.