Your Business Plan Software: Simple, Online, and Collaborative

Quickly build your operating and cash flow forecasts with our Business Plan software for CFOs and accountants.

Finthesis platform

Business Plan Software for Accountants and CFOs

As a finance professional, you regularly produce activity projections for your clients, which takes time.

With our platform designed to meet your specific needs, you will benefit from the following advantages :

Ease of use

Ease of Use

Simple onboarding of your tool, no training needed, whether for you or your employees


Save time creating your business plans and ensure reliable analyses
Reporting and sharing

Reporting and Sharing

Edit summary reports in a few clicks

Create Business Plans in a Few Clicks

With our online business plan tool :

  • Define your activity assumptions (revenue, variable costs, personnel expenses, external charges, etc.)
  • Apply collection and payment rules to each of your operating assumptions
  • Specify the chosen options in terms of financing and investment
  • View your forecast summary statements (profit loss, balance sheet, and cash flow statement)
  • Edit a report with all these summary elements to share with banks or your various stakeholders

In short, you can integrate all the important variables into your financial projections to obtain reliable forecast financial statements.

Business Plan in a few clicks

Get Financial Statements in Seconds

From the calculation of your operating assumptions, your financial statements are created in seconds. You no longer have to worry about complex calculations and manual errors. Finthesis takes care of everything. You then obtain the following elements.

Forecast profit loss

Forecast profit loss

With Finthesis, build a clear and concise forecast profit loss that illustrates your company's expected financial performance.

Forecast balance sheet

Forecast Balance Sheet

At a glance, visualize the state of your assets, liabilities, and equity for the period of your choice.

Forecast cash flow and funding statement

Forecast Cash Flow and Funding Statement

Finthesis automatically calculates cash inflows and outflows, allowing you to forecast your liquidity needs and prevent potential cash shortfalls.

Automatically obtain a funding statement to analyze how your company plans to finance its activities and use these funds. You can easily present this resource, especially for communication with stakeholders such as banks.

Create Custom Reports to Share with Your Stakeholders

Finthesis goes further. Create summary reports to communicate financial information to your various stakeholders.

Whether you present your projections to investors, partners, banks, or colleagues, the reports generated on Finthesis will allow you to communicate your financial information professionally and convincingly.

custom reports

Why Use Business Plan Software Coupled with Business Intelligence Software ?

We have added this Business Plan module to our Business Intelligence platform to provide you with a single solution for all your needs. Discover the main advantages of having these two tools within the same platform.

Performance tracking

Real-Time Performance Tracking

With BI, you can track your company's performance in real-time and compare it with the goals and forecasts of your Business Plan. This allows you to react quickly in case of deviations and adjust your strategies accordingly.

Data visualization

Data Visualization

Your BI platform will allow you to create synthetic and relevant dashboards and visualizations. By combining this with your Business Plan, you can present your projections more intuitively and engagingly, facilitating the understanding and communication of key information.

Frequently asked questions

Can this module be used to create cash flow forecasts?

Yes, absolutely. The Business Plan available on Finthesis allows you to determine activity assumptions and apply collection and payment rules. All these assumptions will provide you with a table of your forecast cash flows.

Is it possible to include comments in my report and a company presentation?

You can indeed include comments in addition to your financial tables to provide more information to the reader of your financial report. An artificial intelligence module (based on ChatGPT technology) even allows you to automatically generate a company presentation text, which you can of course modify or supplement if needed.

Is there a module for calculating the corporate tax payable integrated into the Business Plan?

A module allows you to simulate the calculation of corporate tax based on the taxable result from your forecasts. This advanced module will enable you to make extra-accounting adjustments, activate the reduced corporate tax rate, or carry forward losses from one fiscal year to another.

Can multiple people collaborate on the same Business Plan online?

Just like our Reporting and BI module, you can invite your employees or clients to collaborate on the Business Plan module or simply to review it.

Your Analyses in Seconds with Our Business Plan Software

30-day free trial.

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Finthesis platform