Analytical accounting presentation solution

Discover how Finthesis enables accountants and CFOs to save valuable time when building analyses based on analytical accounting.

Finthesis platform

Import your analytical accounting and get your analyses in seconds

If you do analytical accounting for some of your clients, our solution will allow you, in just a few clicks, to present the data from your analytical ledgers to your clients.

Finthesis allows you to quickly import your analytical ledgers using two methods:
import your analytical accounting

By manually importing a ledger that you have previously exported from your accounting production tool

import your analytical accounting

By retrieving your data directly via API if your firm's solution is connected with Finthesis

Software dedicated to interpreting analytical results

Finthesis aims to enable finance professionals to quickly obtain high-value, adaptable analyses that are relevant to clients.

Based on this, our analytical accounting presentation software offers:


A dedicated tab on your space giving you access to your analyses

analytical categories

Your data structured to highlight the results of your different analytical categories


Automatically generated visuals to better interpret the results of your analytical categories

The advantages of our analytical accounting presentation software



By automating much of the data feeding and analysis building process

reduced risk of error

Reduced risk of error

Reducing manual operations significantly lowers the risk of errors.

Moving from time-consuming spreadsheet tasks to automatically produced analyses in seconds greatly enhances your daily work !

The benefits of SaaS and a full web solution

The advantages of accessing your analyses on a SaaS platform like Finthesis are numerous :


A platform usable anywhere, simply with an internet connection, without needing local software installation.
collaborative platform

Collaborative Platform

Greatly facilitated collaboration.
Finthesis is designed to improve the communication of your financial information. Being a SaaS platform allows for easy access to both internal and external parties.
intuitive interface

Intuitive Interface

Other benefits include reduced costs, better data security, and a dynamic and intuitive interface.

A tool (really) specialized for CFOs and Accountants : This is Finthesis' approach.

We do not aim to be a generalist Business Intelligence tool but a highly specialized tool tailored to specific professions.

By co-developing our platform with you, we guarantee functionalities that perfectly and continuously adapt to your needs.

specialized for CFOs and accountants

Click the button below to attend a demonstration.

Finthesis platform

Your analytical accounting in seconds with our software  !

Our software provides clear, structured, and concise dashboards of your analytical accounting.

How do we do it ?

accounting statement

Data Collection

Either by exporting your analytical ledger or via API

accounting statement

Data Structuring

Our tool automatically structures dynamic summary statements and numerous high-value-added financial analyses in just seconds

This work, completed in just seconds by our tool, will then allow you to:

  • Create custom analyses
  • Present analysis results in just a few clicks

Frequently asked questions

Can I Integrate My Analytical Accounting Directly via API on Finthesis ?

Finthesis is currently connected via API with several accounting software providers.

It is possible to import your analytical accounting directly via API (without manual export) if your accounting software supports it and a connection already exists between our solution and your provider's.

Can my accounting staff access your analytical accounting presentation software ?

On Finthesis, you can easily grant access (with different authorization levels) to your clients or colleagues.

How do i set up analytical accounting on Finthesis ?

You don't set up analytical accounting directly on Finthesis; instead, you do this on your accounting production software.

Once this work is done, you can transfer your data with its analytical categorization to Finthesis to take advantage of our Reporting and Data Visualization options.

Who is analytical accounting reporting software for ?

Our software is designed for finance and accounting professionals. Specifically, we distinguish three types of users:

part-time CFOs

Part-Time CFOs (or External CFOs)

management controllers

CFOs / Accountants / Management Controllers in Companies

Ready to try data visualization for your analytical accounting in seconds ?

30-day free trial.

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Finthesis platform